
credit line 1.(出版物、展出物等上標注的)作者名,來件人姓名(等)...

credit man

The court heard that a report of false bank guarantees was made by a bank in hong kong to police in may 2000 , investigations by the commercial crime bureau revealed that the 66 - year - old man and another 60 - year - old man used a copy of a letter of intent covering a bank guarantee for us $ 600 million purportedly issued by an overseas bank and approached two financial institutions in hong kong in an attempt to obtain banking facilities which included a credit line of us $ 200 million 案情透露,警方于二年五月接獲一間銀行舉報一宗偽造銀行保證書的案件,商業罪案調查科發現該名六十六歲男子及另一名六十歲男子,利用一張虛假的六億美元海外銀行保證書,企圖向本港兩間金融機構開戶口作二億美元的銀行信貸。

This article has presented a new method to calculate the credit line which is in accordance with basel accord based on the calculation method of industrial and commercial bank of china , and make some suggestion for how to improve the calculation method of uniform credit line in chinese commercial banks 本文從分析中國a銀行的授信額度測算方法入手,根據巴塞爾協議的要求對我國商業銀行授信額度的測算方法做了探索,提出了改進的測算方法,以實例對測算方法做了說明,并提出了我國商業銀行改進授信額度測算的建議。

Taking ningbo city for example , the authors introduced the experience of the experimental sports certification institutions in such aspects as organization , training , promotion , internal audit evaluation and market development , and probed into basic measures for doing a better job in sports service certification and developing a creditable sports market which include such aspects as increasing social popularity , credit line , efficiency and effect 摘要以寧波為例,介紹了體育服務認證試點在組織、培訓、宣傳、內審、迎評、開拓市場等方面的經驗,探討了進一步做實做好體育服務認證,打造信用體育市場的基本對策,提升社會知名度、信用度、效能、效應等多個方面。

These include assessing new credit applications from customers , facilitating an existing loan restructuring , arranging a scheme of arrangement at the request of the customer , or setting up a loan restructuring arrangement where there is a default in excess of 60 days . the guideline also provides that when the information obtained from the cra reveals that a customer has an unmanageable level of indebtedness and might have genuine difficulty in repayment , ais should not hastily demand immediate repayment of loans or reduce credit lines 指引亦規定,如從信貸資料服務機構取得的資料顯示某客戶所欠債務可能已超出其可以應付的水平,而該客戶可能確實有還款困難,認可機構不應倉卒要求客戶即時還款或減少信貸額度,而是依照香港個人財務困難處理守則所定的指引,盡量與客戶達成雙方可以接受的解決方案。

Uniform credit granting has been well defined in the implementation guidelines on uniform credit granting by commercial banks ( draft ) issued by people ’ s bank of china in 1999 , and each bank has setup their own regulation on uniform credit granting and the measurement and calculation of credit line 1999年中國人民銀行以銀發1999 31號文發布了《商業銀行實施統一授信制度指引》 (試行) ,對商業銀行統一授信做出了明確的規定,各家商業銀行據此先后建立了自己的統一授信管理制度,制定了授信額度的確定方法。

To pre - empt these from occurring , the receiving banks and the investors banks should of course make flexible arrangements between themselves prior to the event and should closely monitor the flows on the crucial days . these may involve temporary increases in interbank credit lines 然而,由于超額認購的倍數往往很難預計,收款與付款銀行之間在引導資金回流銀行體系方面很容易會出現一些問題。因此雙方都應防患未然,彼此間事先訂出靈活的安排

Luanda angola 28 nov an agreement between the african investment bank aib and germany s exportation financing bank aka was signed friday by the german and angolan governments to provide a credit line for the air navigation sector an aib press release said 安哥拉羅安達, 11月28日電非洲投資銀行aib的一份新聞稿稱,上周五,德國和安哥拉政府簽署了一份aib與德國出口融資銀行aka之間的協議,為安航空業提供信用額度。

Rather it was the lula government ' s consultation with the markets , agreement by the banks to maintain trade and interbank credit lines and the commitment of the incoming government to sensible macroeconomic policies that helped restore private flows 其實,幫助恢復該國私人資本流的是這樣一些因素:盧拉政府與市場協商、各銀行同意維持交易和銀行間授信額度,以及即將上臺的政府承諾實施明智的宏觀經濟政策。

Officers above that level , known as executive officers , are not eligible to borrow from any affiliate of the company , except ( 1 ) through a grande elite mastercard credit line of $ on terms available to customers or ( 2 ) to a bona fide related interest 主菅以上階層如執行副總的職位主管不得向公司分支機構借款,除非在與顧客條件相同情況下透過精英萬事卡的貸款額度內借貸或以市場上診詬的利息去借貸。

The framework of new capital accord released by basel committee in 2004 provided a new method to calculate the required regulatory capital based on the internal risk based method . it can be an important guideline for the calculation of credit line 2004年巴塞爾委員會提出了新的資本協議框架,提出了計算信用風險監管資本要求的內部評級法,從風險角度對授信額度的測算提出了新的要求。

In the case where a copyright notice or credit line be required to accompany the picture and if any picture reproduced by the client omits such credit line the reproduction fee payable by the client shall be subject to an increase to be decided by the supplier 5 . 6 .若圖片必須隨附版權通知或字幕,而客戶復制圖片時遺漏有關字幕,則客戶應付的復制費應予增加,金額由供應機構決定。

With direct aid , credit lines and reasonable contracts , china has helped african nations build infrastructure projects in record time ? bridges , roads , schools , hospitals , dams , legislative buildings , stadiums and airports 通過直接援助、貸款及合理的合同,中國幫助非洲國家在極短的時間里建設了大量基礎設施項目? ?橋梁、公路、學校、醫院、大壩、議會大樓、體育館及飛機場。

This is done indirectly by asking the banks and other financial institutions to be more prudent in granting credit lines to the hlis , and directly by encouraging the hlis to enhance their own risk management standards 改善方法分為兩方面,間接方面是要求銀行和其他金融機構向高杠桿機構授予信貸限額時,要更加審慎直接方面是鼓勵高杠桿機構提高其本身的風險管理標準。

Assume you open a foreign exchange margin account with a credit line of 10 times your deposit of usd25 , 000 . you think the usd jpy exchange rate is on the rise and buy usd against jpy at an exchange rate of 102 . 00 假設您以25 , 000美元存款額外按金,開立外匯?展戶口,杠桿投資額為10倍存款額,而您認為美元兌日圓趨升,于是以102日圓美元匯價買入美元。

The report to which macauhub was given access also point to the increasing activity of chinese companies in angola via contracts to build infrastructures financed by a usd 2 billion credit line granted by china last year 得以瀏覽該報告。報告中還指出,去年中國同意提供20億美元的資金供中國的公司加強在安的活動,特別是通過簽定合同建設基礎設施。

Adviser normally invests the fund ' s assets primarily in interests in senior floating rate loans but may also in revolving credit lines , other types of floating rate debt securities , and money market instruments 投資顧問通常主要把基金資產投入到一些優先浮息貸款,但也不免在循環信貸額以及其他類型的浮動利率債務證券和貨幣工具上做出相應的投資。

The banks that provide credit lines to it will incur losses only after lower tranches held by the sivs and outside investors have been wiped out , which seems unlikely even in current conditions 向該基金提供信貸額度的銀行只有在siv和外部投資者持有的低端資產被清洗后才會損失,而即便以現狀而言,也不太可能出現。

China is responsible for the biggest slice of investment in the stretch of railroad totaling us 90 million which is being financed through a us 2 billion credit line granted by the china exim bank Amedes鐵路由中國進出口銀行提供20億美元的信用額度。阿夫澤是在對威拉為期4天的訪問中向媒體公布上述內容的。

Cgd , through bca , will provide a medium - term credit line to finance the acquisition and assembly of solar panels under more attractive conditions that currently offered by consumer credit 葡儲蓄總行通過大西洋商業銀行提供中期信用額度,以更有吸引力的條件收購、組裝太陽能板。目前資金由個人信貸提供。